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Preparing for Your CCNA (2022 Edition)

One of the most frequently asked questions I get is :

"How do you recommend I prepare for the CCNA?"

I've answered this several times in my DMS and decided to make an updated guide for the new exam. Consider this your one-stop-shop for CCNA studying.


Must Have

Additionally, I suggest you register for the Cisco Learning Network site. Cisco has put together a free CCNA Learning Plan to jumpstart and supplement your studies. Also, the community serves as a resource for you to connect with other learners and community mentors to assist.

Nice to Have

  • CCNA 200-301 Portable Command Guide - This is a must-have even after you pass the exam. This book has all of the key commands for the CCNA Level Engineers.

  • 31 Days Before Your CCNA Exam: A Day-By-Day Review Guide for the CCNA 200-301 Certification Exam - Just as the title suggests, this Is a comprehensive review guide for when you're a month away from your exam.

Other Books I've heard Great Reviews about:


The next key component to your success will be a video course.

Popular Training Libraries

Pluralsight: Standard Subscription provides access to their core library. Premium includes access to the full library with quizzes and labs. Standard Cost $29.00 per month, Premium Cost $45.00 per Month

INE: This subscription provides both a video course, labs, and quizzes. Cost: $49.00 per month

Free YouTube Courses

Low-Cost Udmey Courses

If you click a link and it's full price, please wait for a sale. You can usually snag these courses for less than $15.

Other Courses

Cisco CCNA 200-301 Gold Bootcamp by Neil Anderson


Finally, you will want to lab the concepts you're learning. #LabEveryday.

  • Packet Tracer is sufficient for the CCNA. No need to build a big fancy lab if you don't have the money. It's free from Cisco after you watch the 1-Hour how-to course.

  • GNS 3 is a great more advanced alternative. This is also free but you'll have to find images. Here's a great video on setting it up. This is also a free tool.

If you want something more advance but don't have time or energy to set up your own virtual lab, you can subscribe to They offer subscriptions to GNS 3, EVE-NG, and Cisco Modeling Labs.

Lab Guides:

Free Lab Resources

What are your favorite resources for the CCNA?

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